It is not a new casting process, it is an melt preparation HPDC process
Heat sinks
General description: Heat sinks of small to large sizes are casted with Rheocasting.
Reason for choosing Rheocasting: High thermal conductivity in combination of good castability of high and thin fins.
Status on the market: In high volume production
Remark: With the high thermal conductivity achieved this solution competes with cold pressed and extruded solutions with a lower cost and size advantage
Thick walled components
General description: Heat sinks of small to large sizes are casted with Rheocasting.
Reason for choosing Rheocasting: High thermal conductivity in combination of good castability of high and thin fins.
Status on the market: In high volume production
Remark: With the high thermal conductivity achieved this solution competes with cold pressed and extruded solutions with a lower cost and size advantage
Long flow length (Rivian & Volvo Cars)
General description: Thin wall parts typically body in white components where high elongation and very long flow lengths.
Reason for choosing Rheocasting: The flow length is double with Rheocasting in comparison with High pressure die casting
Status on the market: Volume production of parts and several developments
Remark: Rheocasting also gives lower pressures why smaller die casting machines can be used with -30% lower locking force as a rule of thumb.
High strength components (GM och ORA och Volvo Truck)
Reason for choosing Rheocasting: Low porosity, fine grained microstructure in combination with the use of A245 (AlSi/MgMn) gives good fatigue properties in T6 and hence a lighter component with very good weldability.
Status on the market: In high volume production
Remark: Typical requirements in e-drive train and likewise applications
Thick wall and high load bearing components
General description: Very thick walls, up to 80 mm, are needed when high loads are challenging the component why taking properties from PM/LPDC in combination with the productivity of HPDC gives an attractive solution for the customer
Reason for choosing Rheocasting: High strength to a low cost
Status on the market: In high volume production
Remark: This market sector provides new business opportunities to HPDC foundries as the competition comes from permanent mold and low pressure die casting.